
Posts Tagged ‘green’

It’s another PhotoWednesday! I have three shots lined up today, all of them leaning more towards documentation than art.  Basically, I thought that those of you who have already read Confederate Streets might like to see the very streets of which I write. The first two pictures are of Robert E. Lee Dr. – one is at the corner of Tyne and the other looks up the road from Otter Creek. I literally went through each of those intersections every day of my life in Nashville.  I mean, there may have been a few days per month when I didn’t travel Robert E. Lee for some odd reason, but for the most part, the views in those two shots were so much a part of my life that I barely even saw them. I was glad I could get some pics with the spring blooms on this most recent trip back.

The third picture is of Percy Priest Elementary, which features prominently in the first chapter of my book. Percy Priest is much, much larger than it was when I went there in the 80s, but this section of the school looks essentially the same. (The colors are different though. when I went there, those panels were orange, not beige.) My favorite thing about this shot is the hill jutting straight up behind the school. Nashville may not be in the mountains, but it has some killer hills.

Here’s an interesting fact: At one of my Nashville readings, I learned that the yards in my part of town are big because each house has a septic tank. The city didn’t run sewer pipes out there until the late 1980s.




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